We make a difference to the lives of hundreds of adults across Wales through our domiciliary care service, Castell Care and Support.
We are registered with the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) and provide care and support services to adults living in North and West Wales.
Our services are designed for adults who, because of their increasing age, disability or illness, require care and support to manage their personal, social and domestic needs. They can be accessed by individuals either privately or through the public sector.
All our services are delivered through a ‘hub and spoke’ model. From a central hub where we already provide on-site care and support, we extend our services into the wider community. This means we can deliver care and support flexibly and help the people we support to be part of the community.
With services being delivered from a hub, we can offer a 24/7 early intervention and response service to people living in the community, an approach that has proved successful in helping people live as independently as they can for longer.
Read more below about each of our care and support services – supported living, home services and younger persons.
Where we provide care and support
Contact us about care and support
Call: 0300 123 2998